
The correct pagination of a page is a challenging and much discussed topic. Most content management systems offer a solution, but it is not always suitable for SEO. In result individual pages can be excluded from the index.

Best practice

  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Consider disallowing indexing of subpages Block indexing.
  • Each subpage should provide the Robots meta tag «index, follow».
  • Subpages, like all other pages, should refer to themselves by means of self-referential Canonical tags. Google always recommends self-referencing Canonical tags for more clarity.
  • Important content elements (e.g. for SEO) should only be on one page - the first - to prevent duplicate content.
  • The subpages all have the same Title Tag and Meta Description. Alternatively, the page number can also be shown in the meta description and or in the title tag.
  • In order to keep the click depth low for an enormous number of subpages, a suitable page linking strategy should be found. The reason for this is that Google does not usually crawl pages with a too high click depth, which means that they cannot be indexed.