Linting and automatic checks ✅

All Renuo projects contain (and your project must contain as well) the following linters. Every linter consists of a gem (usually) and a command to add to our bin/fastcheck script.

Check out the bin/fastcheck fastcheck for the final version of it.

Renuocop 👮

Renuocop is based on Standard Ruby and is a set of rules that we use to lint our Ruby code. It's already included in your Gemfile by default.

You can execute it and correct the issues you'll find.

bundle exec rubocop -A will fix most all of them automatically.


Brakeman comes by default with Rails. Add it to the bin/fastcheck script.

bundle exec brakeman -q -z --no-summary --no-pager


An optional check for markdown files. You can include it or not. Discuss within your team.

group :development, :test do
  gem 'mdl', require: false

SCSS lint

To lint the SASS/SCSS files in our project you can use the stylelint npm package.

bin/yarn add stylelint stylelint-config-standard-scss

Add to the project the linter configuration file and check the bin/fastcheck template to see the command to execute the SCSS linting.

Erb lint

group :development, :test do
  gem 'erb_lint', require: false


yarn add eslint
yarn eslint --init (Use a popular style guide -> Airbnb)

then extend the bin/fastcheck script with:

yarn eslint app/javascript

The templates folder contains a template for the eslint configuration.

All Good!

Now your bin/fastcheck is not that fast anymore 😄